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Resident Minister East and NaCSA Commissioner Engage Around Development Projects in the Eastern Region...


*NaCSA House, Freetown Thursday 11th July 2024*

The Resident Minister of Eastern Region, Gbessay Jusu Jakka Ngobeh today, Thursday 11th July 2024, paid a courtesy call on the Commissioner of NaCSA Ambassasor Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina at the commission's headquarters in Freetown.

After exchanging pleasantries and felicitations, the two presidential appointees lauded and praised President Dr Julius Maada Bio for giving them the opportunity to serve their people and country.

The Commissioner and Resident Minister discussed ongoing development projects the commission is executing in the region, including the multiti-renewable energy platform, model market/community resource center for promoting agro-processing and marketing and the water conservation and Irrigation system in Lower Bambara, all of which gear towards promting the President's Feed the Nation flagship project. Cash support to vulnerable members of the communities, youth employment through the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment Project, feeder roads rehabilitation, and pending grain stores construction in Kono District under the GPCYE project, funded by the Government of SL and the German Government were discussed.

The duo agreed to work together to acquire a suitable piece of land in Kenema for the construction of an office structure for NaCSA. The Commissioner informed his colleague that the funds for the construction of the office are available under the SLCDD II Project funded by IsDB and GoSL.

In the best interest of the people of Sierra Leone and in line with the President's agenda, the committment to take development to the community remains unshaken. "... as we have done in the past, we will continue to combine resources, both technical and human to ensure that we take Prompt Action on Poverty Alleviation (PAOPA)."

The end

*For more information on this and other matters.* *Please do not hesitate to reach out to the* *Information, Education and Communications (IEC) unit via:* *+23277022709/+23276604252*

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