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Programme Manager-Sierra Leone Community Driven Demand project (SLCDD II) provides detail analysis.


In today's edition of "this week in NaCSA*, Momoh Juana - programme Manager for the Sierra Leone Community Driven Demand project (SLCDD II) provides detail analysis of various interventions.

These interventions are part of the Sierra Leone Community Demand Driven (GIETRENK) project implemented by the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) through NaCSA with funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). Phase Two of the GIETRENK project scales up from the earlier successes in the well performing chiefdoms, by promoting community driven development interventions within rural growth pole model approach.

The aim is to reduce poverty and attain sustainable improvement in the well-being of the population of the rural poor by providing them with access to socio-economic opportunities and capacity building. This will be achieved by providing communities access to demand driven social and productive assets and services, access to a package of business development services including microfinance, and building local level institutions and governance structures.

Stay connected with NaCSA as we take you through 2022; a year for "Strategic Planning and Resource Mobilization"

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