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The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has since the appointment of Amb. Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina activated fundamental tools necessary for the realization of the objectives of His Excellency Dr Julius Maada Bio's big five Game Changers.


Through one of its projects – the second phase of the Sierra Leone Community Demand-Driven (SLCDD II) project, the Commission has supplied beneficiary communities with livestock (goats, sheep and chicks). These communities include  Lower Bambara in Kenema, Ribbi and Bagruwa in Moyamba, BKM in Port Loko, Dibbia in Karene, Kholifa Mabang and Kunike Sanda in Tonkolili. The project had earlier constructed goat and sheep pens and poultry in the aforementioned locations, managed by beneficiary groups. 


The supply of livestock is aimed at boosting community nutrition and increasing household income for beneficiary groups' members. These steps have been strategically aligned with the Feed Salone initiative which is one of the aspirations of the big five game changers. 


With funding from the Islamic Development Bank and the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL), the SLCDD II aims to build the livelihoods of the rural poor by providing access to socio-economic opportunities and capacity-building, providing community access to demand-driven social and productive assets and services, access to a package of business development services including microfinance, self-help affinity groups, and building local-level institutions and governance structures.


The Programme Manager for the SLCDD II – Momoh Juana expressed optimism that the SLCDD II project has been repositioned to deliver on its objective.


*For further information on this and other matters, don't hesitate to get in touch with The Information, Education and Communication Unit:* *+23277022709/+23230518539*

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