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NaCSA Meets with Experts from the Inclusive Resource Management (IRM)


NaCSA House

8th August, 2022

The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has met with a team of experts from the Inclusive Resource Management Ltd to discuss critical Issues around launching of the Islamic MicroFinance component of the Sierra Leone Community Demand Driven Project (SLCDD II) and the provision for technical backstopping support to ensure sustainability and potential scale up.

It could be recalled that NaCSA is implementing the Gientrank (SLCDD II) project with funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). Phase Two of the GIETRENK project scales up from the earlier successes in the well performing chiefdoms, by promoting community driven development interventions within rural growth pole model approach. The aim is to reduce poverty and attain sustainable improvement in the well-being of the population of the rural poor by providing them with access to socio-economic opportunities, capacity building and micro finance.

IRM has supported NaCSA to set up the Islamic Micro Finance structure within Apex Bank SL Ltd, developed capacity of IMF concept and mode of operations. Apex bank is appointed as fund manager to implement the three million dollars IMF funding to support selected beneficiaries in growth and non-growth pole districts.

The IRM's Chairman/CEO (Dr Muhammad Khaleequzzaman) and the Managing Director (Dr. Adnan Aziz) expressed optimism for the future of the Micro Finance subcomponent of the project. ‘’… we have visited the field and we are aware that community people need this opportunity within the shortest possible time.’’ said Dr. Khaleeq.

In his statement, the Senior Director of Programmes, Raymond Bob Katta reaffirmed NaCSA’s commitment in ensuring that appropriate actions are taken for a smooth launch of the micro finance component. NaCSA’s Director of Programmes, Programme Manager SLCDDP, Micro Finance and IT officers were in attendance and made meaningful contributions.

For further Enquiries on this and other Please Contact NaCSA IEC Unit


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