*Thursday 30th May 2024, NaCSA House*
– The Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) Ambassador Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina and his team of experts have met with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA).
It could be recalled that the ACC is conducting a Corruption Risk Assessment at SLRA to identify corruption vulnerabilities and make recommendations to improve service delivery. Because NaCSA is also involved in road rehabilitation, it is important to discuss issues that are germane to the delivery of services effectively and efficiently.
In his address, the NaCSA Commissioner expressed his sincere thanks to His Excellency the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Julius Maada Bio for his leadership and commitment to ensuring that development reaches the last mile. Amb. Ndomahina further commended the ACC for monitoring various projects implemented by his Commission especially those done in collaboration with the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA). *‘’My working experience with the ACC and SLRA has been very mutual, and we will continue to collaborate in the best interest of Sierra Leoneans.’’* The Commissioner noted.
In his response, the Director of Prevention at the ACC, Mr. Rashid Turay applauded NaCSA for the good partnership; and further deliberated on the need to strengthen this relationship. In the same vein, the Senior Director for Programme Development and Quality Assurance (SD-PDQA) – Dr Susan Robert reiterated the merit of the relationship between these institutions and looked forward to having more of these engagements.
Mr. Salifu Mansaray, the Programme Manager for the Pro-poor Growth for Peace Consolidation (GPC) project has been at the center stage of activities implemented by NaCSA in partnership with SLRA. He noted that this working relationship has been guided by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
*For further information on this and other matters, Please contact: The Information, Education and Communication Unit: +23277022709/+23278319419/+23230518539*