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It is truism that much of the functions of Parliaments are performed through Committees of the House. A Parliamentary Committee is therefore a small group of Members of Parliament, created and empowered by Parliament to perform a specified task. It consists of Members drawn from political parties in Parliament based on the strength of their representation in the House.

Sub-section 2 of Section 93 of the 1991 Constitution provides for the establishment of Oversight Committees to oversee the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) established by the executive and each Committee bears the name of the MDA it oversees. This brings us to the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on NaCSA.

In a bid to get firsthand information on the services and operations of the Commission, the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on NaCSA chaired by Hon. Biloh Sow, of Falaba District has on Monday, November 20, 2023 engaged the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Management of NaCSA at the Committee Room in the House of Parliament, Tower Hills, Freetown.

Speaking on the objective of meeting while welcoming the Commissioner and team of experts, the Committee Chairman, Hon. Biloh Sow confirmed that, it is a familiarization meeting aiming at getting the Committee abreast with the activities of NaCSA, so as to be able to provide support where needed and to proffer solutions for challenges that the institution might be facing.

The Chairman described NaCSA as a ‘grassroots entity’ and highlighted key areas/issues of interest for which he noted they need some information and clarifications. These, he stated included the ongoing cash transfer beneficiaries database, the operations of the German funded GPC Programme, status of NaCSA field staff, to name but few.

He commended the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, Amb. Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina and Jimmy Batilo Songa respectively for their people-centred characters and urged the staff of the commission to give them their fullest support for the good of the commission and by extension, the country.

In his response, the Commissioner of NaCSA, Amb. Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina appreciated the Committee for the invite and assured the members of NaCSA’s commitment in working together with the Committee for the good of the country. He promised to be frequently updating the Committee on key issues especially through the NaCSA weekly publications.

Salifu Mansaray, the Programme Manager of the German funded GPC Programme clarified issues on criteria in the selection of their interventions. He noted that the programme works directly with the District Councils and highlighted the various interventions they have undertaken including feeder roads rehabilitations, construction of grain stores, etc. These, he noted are all aimed at promoting the government’s flagship ‘Feed Salone’ initiative.

The session ended amicably with an action point to create an email list through which requested documents could be sent as and when the need arises.

For further information on this and other matters, please contact:

The Information, Education and Communication Unit


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