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NaCSA Engages Stakeholders on the Road Map to Urban Greening, Public Sanitation, and City Beautification...


On Thursday 31st October 2024, the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) ended a two-day engagement with stakeholders from Makeni, Port Loko, New Sembehun, Kenema, Bo and Bonthe City Councils on the planning mechanisms for the Green Public Works Sub-Component of the Productive Social Safety Nets and Youth Employment Project.

The Green Public Works will position cities to enhance Urban Greening, Public Sanitation, and City Beautification whilst providing temporary job opportunities for young people in the targeted cities. The sub-component further aims to provide women, people with disabilities, and inactive and unskilled youth from low-income and disadvantaged households with chances to engage in productive public labour.

NaCSA’s Regional Coordinators from the East and North-West welcome the team of experts from headquarters and the local councils. They demonstrated readiness to provide the leadership needed for the smooth implementation of the project. They were optimistic that the design of the project will be sustained and objectives will be achieved.

The Host Mayor, His Worship Alie Badara Tarawalie expressed his sincere appreciation for witnessing the actualization of the GPW sub-project. *‘’This brings to reality the resolutions made during previous engagements with the Government of Sierra Leone through NaCSA and other parties in China. Hosting this eminent occasion in Portloko is a demonstration of how far we have come in attaining oneness as a country. We are ready to serve because we are certain that it is for the betterment of the people we are representing.’’* He ended.

The Mayor of Kenema City Council, His Worship Thomas Baio reiterated the continued commitment of his people to actualizing the fullest implementation of the GPW sub-project. He noted that the objectives are in line with the Big Five Game Changers and that the need to actualize these aspirations cannot be overemphasized.

In all project implementation duration, NaCSA has extensively engaged the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to provide guidelines in ensuring compliance, transparency & accountability as primary supports. Beyond this, the ACC has been critical in preventing corruption, ensuring prosecution and handling grievances. The Commitment to the continuation of these functions was expressed by the ACC representative in Port-Loko and Kenema respectively.

The Senior Director Programme Development and Quality Assurance Dr Suzan Robert, the Senior Director of Support Services, Mr Kofi Addai and the Director of Program at NaCSA Md. Regina Sia Saffa noted that the Commission is positioned to deliver on its mandate. They call on the Mayors and other Sierra Leoneans residing in these cities to take ownership of the project.

*‘The program will be implemented in their cities and therefore the mayor should be guided by the program document and they must see that due diligence is done. The parties involved were encouraged to learn from the expertise of FCC during their piloting and use it as a stepping stone to make their implementation smoother.’’*

In his engagement with stakeholders, the Commissioner of NaCSA, Ambassador Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina thanked his team of experts and the team from the local councils for putting together the preliminary discussion on the Green Public Works. *’’We have some work done with the Freetown City Council (FCC) and the indicators further prompted us to see the need for the extension of the GPW to the Provincial cities of Port Loko, Bo, Makeni, New Sembehun, Kenema, and Bonthe. I have to extend many thanks to His Excellency Dr Julius Maada Bio for his leadership, the World Bank and the Government of Sierra Leone for the resources provided to enhance Urban Greening, Public Sanitation, and City Beautification.’’* He noted.

The Commissioner further informed the team that tremendous steps have been taken for the effective implementation of the GPW subproject. He reaffirmed the commitment and the readiness of the Commission to ensure that these subprojects are implemented with ease. *‘’…Our commitment to delivering, the experiences we have gained in the implementation of GPW with the Freetown City Council and our China experience are preliminary indicators that the GPW will be a success.’’* He ended

The engagement ended with participants having to understand the LIPW Component, Green Public Works, Areas of Focus, Subproject selection, Rollout strategies, Formation of the Community Oversight Committee, and many other established processes and procedures of the project.

*For further information on this and other matters,* *Please contact:*

*The Information, Education and Communication Unit*


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