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*‘We will not move without you. We shall work with you; plan with you and implement with you.”* NaCSA Commissioner, Amb. Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina assuring stakeholders of the New Pro Poor-Growth for Peace Consolidation and Youth Employment (GPCYE) Project, during a Programme Coordination meeting on Monday, April 8, 2024 at the NaCSA Board Room, NaCSA House, Charlotte Street, Freetown.

Commissioner Ndomahina described NaCSA activities as part of the President’s Development Agenda and extended his gratitude to His Excellency the President for appointing him to serve as Commissioner of NaCSA. The GPCYE Project, he noted will not only boost the President’s flagship initiative to ‘feed salone’ but will provide empowerment to rural youths for employment and job creation. He further commended partners, especially the Councils and line MDAs for their contributions in making the project a success.*“It is because of the success stories and impacts created during the previous phases of implementation that have made our donor to continue their funding,”* he acknowledged. He outlined the objectives of the projects and commended the Government and people of Germany for their continued support to NaCSA.

In his response, the First Secretary and Head of Cooperation at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Freetown, Johannes Behrens commended NaCSA and emphasized that the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is fully in support with the government of Sierra Leone’s priorities within the national medium term development programmes.

As key partner in the GPCYE Project, the Director of Feeder Roads of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority, Ing. Paul B. Demby pledged its organization’s support to the implementation. *“From all indications, we are here because of the successes of the GPC I, II and III,”* he said.

Various speakers echoed great sentiments on the successes of the previous phases of the project and commended NaCSA for its partnership approach in the implantation of its activities.

The session was closed by the Deputy Commissioner of NaCSA, Sir jimmy Batilo Songa, who added his voice to the Commissioner in commending the German Government for providing the fund and to the partners for their active participation in the project implementation.

The GPCYE Project is funded by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Development Bank (KfW) and is expected to build on the successes of the previous programmes.

For further information on this and other matters, please contact the Information Education and Communication (IEC) unit +23277022709/+23278319419/+23230518539

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