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Enhancing the Implementation of the Green Public Works (GPW): Mayors and Key Stakeholders Depart for China...


*Monday 19th August 2024* - Ambassador Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina, the Commissioner of NaCSA, the Mayors of the Provincial City Councils and other technical experts have visited the Honorable Minister of Local Government and Community Affairs, Ambassador Tamba Lamina to bid farewell, as they get ready to travel to the People's Republic of China.

The essence of the visit was to update the Honorable Minister on dtatus of arrangements for their trip to China.

The Mayors and a team of experts will, on Wednesday, 21st August 2024 leave the country for China to broaden their understanding of the workings of the Green Public Works implementation mechanisms.

His Worship Abu Bakar Kamara of the Makeni City Council, His Worship Alie Badara Tarawallie of the Port Loko City Council, His Worships Mohamed M. Robinson of the Bonthe City Council, Komba Musa of the Bo City Council, the Deputy Mayor of the Kenema City Council, Md. Esther Kaisamaba, Councilor Mariama of the New Sembehun City Council, and technical experts from the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) are among the entourage for trip

Amb. Tamba Lamina thanked the Commissioner of NaCSA and the Mayors for the farewell visit, and revealed that he was aware of NaCSA’s support to the Local Councils through the Productive Social Safety Nets and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) project which powers the Green Public Work. He added that the donation of the two trucks to the Freetown City Council (FCC) for waste collection was also another testament to the commitment of the Government of Sierra Leone to environmental-related projects.

He admonished the Mayors and Chairpersons that the training they are going to attend in China is a significant one to Sierra Leone, and urged them to represent the country well during the process and to return home with the idea of implementing what they were going to learn. He wished them well and encouraged them to embrace any challenge they may face in the course of the trip.

The Commissioner of NaCSA noted that the local councils are critical stakeholders in the implementation of various projects, and stated that, *"as a Commission, our relationship with the councils will add greater value to what we are doing."*

He added that representatives, including Mayors from Bo, Bonthe, Portloko, Makeni, Kenema, and the New Sembehun City City Council will be visiting China to explore the secret behind their great cities.

*‘’We want to enhance the capacity of our councils to lead the beautification of our cities and spot development. It is expected that the visit will enhance their proficiency in optimal methodologies and practical involvement in the execution of GPW initiatives. Better understanding of the connections among social protection, employment opportunities for disadvantaged youth, climate action, and climate vulnerability. Thematic themes that are strongly related to the PSSNYE project and the government of Sierra Leone's "Big 5 Game Changers" will also be explored.’’* He Concluded.

The Mayors expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to serve and added that they will ensure that the best is achieved.

*For further information on this and other matters, don't hesitate to get in touch with The Information, Education and Communication Unit:* *+23277022709/+23230518539*

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