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*Monday 18th September, 2023 - NaCSA House:*

The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has completed technical meeting with the experts from the Office of the Chief Minister. The essence of the meeting was to understand NaCSA’s Management Information System (MIS) and the mechanisms through which the MIS can be strengthen.

The Deputy Commissioner of NaCSA, Sir Jimmy Batilo Songa welcoming the team, reiterated the readiness of the Commission to collaborate with all Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. *“State House remains very critical in the work we do and our doors are constantly open to new ideas that will add value to our work. The Commissioner is not with us at the moment but he will be duly informed,”* he noted.

The Senior Director of Programme Development and Quality Assurance - Dr. Susan Robert and the Senior Director/National Coordinator for the National Social Protection Secretariat, Idris Turay expressed optimism that the collaboration will add value to the existing system. Dr. Robert noted that the NaCSA’s team is ready to provide the maximum supports needed to enhance the digitalization of the Commission’s programmatic interventions.

Idris Turay reaffirmed that the system experts and other personnel at NaCSA are in attendance to give a holistic overview of the existing MIS and to better understand the necessary inputs from the State House team.

In his presentation, the Director of Central Delivery at the Office of the Chief Minister - Morray Boima showcased the potency of the MDApro software in tracking project implementation. He noted that Annual Work Plans (AWP) from major MDAs were uploaded into the system which shows delivery status, percentage of implementation and next line of actions.

After the presentation of NaCSA’s internal project tracking tool, on data perspective, the Director of Technology for the Presidential Delivery Unit, Mohamed James rated NaCSA highly. *“For us, we are providing the technical supports to strengthen data storage andc digitalization of programme implementation at institutional level and we are ready to do in the true spirit of delivery.”* He ended.

Additionally, there was a collective call for this tool to be available to all staff, unit, directorate and the district offices.

*For more information on this and other matters, please contact NaCSA IEC unit; +23277022709/+23278319419/+23230518539*

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