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NaCSA House, Monday 12th February 2024

On behalf of the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone – His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio, the Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has delivered a brand new Toyota Land Cruiser Station Wagon vehicle to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). This is to enhance the ACC to continue monitoring and contributing immensely to the implementation of the Productive Social Safety Nets and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) Project.

It could be noted that upon the completion of the implementation of the Social Safety Nets (SSN) project with a satisfactory rating, NaCSA has commenced the implementation of the PSSNYE project to cover one hundred thousand beneficiaries with a focus to: scale up the existing cash transfer support to extremely poor households; Introduce an integrated package of livelihood services to help build a foundation for transitioning extremely poor households out of poverty and Provide short and medium-term job opportunities for thousands of young people. The ACC has been very critical in not only preventing corruption but also leading the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) component of both the completed SSN and the ongoing PSSNYE projects.

Speaking during the handing-over ceremony, Ambassador Ndomahina welcome the Deputy ACC Boss and team, noting that the partnership between the two Commissions has been mutual and result-oriented. *‘’The ACC is extremely important to what we do as NaCSA; If we are to achieve the big goals of His Excellency the President – Dr. Julius Maada Bio, then we must work with the ACC to ensure that processes and procedures are strictly followed. To ensure that the beneficiaries of our project receive their benefits, it is important to support the ACC with items that will ease your work.’’ He noted. In delivering the vehicle, Ambassador Ndomahina noted; *‘’On behalf of the President, HE Dr. Julius Maada Bio and the World Bank, I want to take this opportunity to officially hand over this brand new Toyota Land Cruiser Station Wagon vehicle to you, which I believe would to a greater extent help capacitate the ACC to support the implementation of the PSSNYE Project.’’* He ended.

In his response, the Acting and Deputy Commissioner of the ACC - Augustine Foday Ngobie vowed to make the appropriate use of the vehicle and reiterated their commitment to improving the relationship between the two institutions. The ACC Boss on behalf of his Commissioner – Francis Kaifala, staff and management of ACC, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to NaCSA and the World Bank, for what he described as a timely intervention; at a moment when as an institution they are grappling for such assistance. *‘’Let me assure you that we are going to utilize this vehicle for the intended purpose and we will account for it like any other assets owned by the Commission. We are honored and at this point, I must thank the President His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, the World Bank and NaCSA. Let me reassure you, for the hearing of the President that we are committed to ensuring that we deliver on our assignments without prejudice or fear.’’* He ended.

*Reported by Nmaah Sillah, IEC Voluteer, NaCSA.*

*For further information on this and other matters, please contact:*

*The Information, Education and Communication Unit*


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