Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) received an official request from the Government of Sierra Leone to finance the second phase of Sierra Leone Community Driven Development Project. The project is included in the work program of IsDB as well as Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD) for 1434H. The project concept document was approved by the IsDB Operations Committee as well as the ISFD Heads of Department Committee meeting on 17th June and 9th June, 2014 respectively.
IsDB was consulted to support the implementation of Government’s agenda, to allow smooth transition towards a new development paradigm, which promotes bottom-up planning and inclusive development. This project aims at consolidating the IsDB’s partnership with Sierra Leone, supporting the paradigm shift and strategically placing IsDB as a key enabler in institutionalizing a model of “bottom up” development process. SLCDD II - project which builds on phase-1 interventions scales up the earlier successes in the well performing chiefdoms, by promoting community driven development interventions within the rural growth pole model approach.
Development Objective
To progressively reduce poverty by empowering and capacitating communities to sustain their economic livelihood
Specific Objectives
1 Promote access to socio-economic opportunities and services for rural poor communities.
2 Build capacity and skills of communities and local institutions.
Project Impact
1 Poverty incidence at national level reduced from 52% to 46% by 2020; to 36% by 2030; and to 25% by 2035 (Vision 2035)
2 Improvement in UNDP HDI from 0.33 in 2010 to 0.50 by 2020; 0.55 by 2025; 0.57 by 2030; and 0.62 by 2035 (PRSP-III)
Project Outcome
1. Increase in average income in the targeted chiefdoms from US$1.25/day through development of livelihood and value-chains.
2. 300,000 people have improved access to basic social, economic and livelihood structures.
3. Increase multi-crop production (rice, cassava, vegetables etc.) on 2,500 Ha on IVS land, Boli land; double cropping on 5,500 Ha
4. Increase production of rice from 13,500 tons to 27,000 tons;500 tons of onions/tomatoes; Cassava from 9,000 tons to 17,000 tons; processing of groundnuts, palm oil and cocoa
5. 7,500 community members benefit from microfinance line;
6. Bottom up planning process mainstreamed in around 30% of the local district councils targeted.
7. Bank for the poor established
Programme Manager: Momoh Juanah